Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Learning is Our Choice

“The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.” - Brian Herbert 
If you have been in our Wilton Clinic lately, you will notice that I am often gone or working with some of our other therapists. For the past 15 months, I have been enrolled in a fellowship program with Evidence in Motion (EIM). So many of you ask….what does this mean? First of all, EIM is an educational institution with the primary function of providing top-notch postgraduate education programs for physical therapists. Their program is a blend of online and hands-on training by faculty who are clinicians, professors, and researchers in the field of physical therapy.

A Fellow in physical therapy is considered an expert practitioner skilled in the evidence-based practice of orthopedic manual physical therapy. Fellowship graduates are also primed for leadership in teaching manual physical therapy and are active participants and contributors to clinical research. The program is 24-36 months long and requires weekend courses in addition to many hours spent with a Fellow Mentor, a physical therapist who is currently a Fellow. I am considered a FiT -- a Fellow in Training. This past year, I traveled to Des Moines University to gain hours and worked near Norman, Oklahoma.

Corey learns by experiencing
In addition to furthering my education, three of our physical therapists are enrolled in EIM’s Residency program. Corey Dieser, Wilton Clinic, and Rene Teel-Mulka, Blue Grass Clinic, have been in this program for 8 and 3 months, respectively. Joshua Crow, Wilton Clinic, will be enrolling soon. A residency program is also a combination of online courses, weekend intensive hands-on courses, and clinical practice hours. These therapists will also be receiving the highest caliber of training with the goal of becoming distinguished leaders in evidence-based orthopedic, sports, and manual physical therapy practice. Pretty impressive!

Therapy with a little help from my friends
As you can see, all of the therapists at EIPT are passionate about what we do. We continually strive to be better for you, our patients. Learning is our choice, and we are doing it well here at EIPT to help you live fully and move freely.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how else to say this, "EIPT Rocks" - true story!
